28 Feb, 2015

I have been so lazy with sharing my outfits, but I guess all of you were well occupied with my weight loss post for the past week, yes?
Anyway, did you know that I used to avoid white? It was a shade I dreaded, one that would only emphasize my roundness then. The only white I wore were oversized tees, and that was only to bed. It wasn't only until I slimmed down that I dared to attempt white again.
And it has since been among my favourite shades to turn to. White is always feminine in a very understated way. And I really loved this simple ensemble I put on some weeks ago. The sequinned blazer and lace-up heels sure toughened up the look, and damn, the red on my lips is sick. I bagged the lippie from a Topshop sale, and it was only S$9!
Outfit: Crop Top, Topshop // Pleated Skirt, TheClosetLover // Sequinned Blazer, H&M // Lace-up Heels, Windsor Smith // Birkin 35, Hermes // Arty Ring, Saint Laurent Paris // Collien de Chien, Hermes